Sunday, February 25, 2018

DIY Lucky Paper Stars

Hello! Today we're making DIY paper stars. You will need:

  • small strips of your choice of paper

First, tie a knot with your strand to look like this:

Then, fold the short end of the knot into the knot:

Cut off the excess paper.

After that, fold the paper over itself, wrapping it around the whole pentagon.

Once you run out of paper, fold the end of the strand under the previous fold just like in the beginning. 

Cut off the excess paper. Finally, use your fingers to puff up the star. This is how mine turned out:

This DIY was so easy to make. It takes less than five minutes for each one, and I love how you can make a lot in a short amount of time! I hope you try this one out.

Until next week,


Sunday, February 18, 2018

DIY Nutella Pops

Hello! Today we're making DIY popsicles from Nutella! You will need:

  • 1/4 cup Nutella
  • 1 cup Cool Whip
  • 1/2 cup milk

First, pour all of your ingredients into a mixing bowl.

Then, whisk everything until combined.

Pour the mixture into popsicle molds. If you don't have these, just pour the mixture into small paper cups with a popsicle stick in between.

Stick them in the freezer overnight, and you're done! This is how mine turned out:

This DIY was so easy to make. It took less than 15 minutes, and it tastes amazing! I hope you try this one out. 

Until next week,


Sunday, February 11, 2018

DIY Quilled Paper Cards

Hello! Since Valentine's Day is only days away, today we're making cards using a rolling paper technique called quilling. You will need:
  • paper- I used scrapbook paper
  • cardstock
  • paper
  • optional: heart stencil
  • glue 
  • ruler
  • toothpick 

First, use the heart stencil to draw a heart shape on the cardstock. 

Cut a square around it.

Set the cardstock aside and with a ruler, cut out 1-centimeter strips of your paper. 

After that, use a toothpick to spread the glue along the edge of a strip or paper. Then, use the outline of the heart to align the strip to half of the outline.

Next, glue another strip of paper onto the other half of the outline and cut off the excess. 

To make the basic quilling effect, wrap a piece of paper around a toothpick. Feel free to play around with different techniques.

Arrange your quilled paper around the heart until you are satisfied with the result. This is how mine turned out:

This DIY was so fun and relaxing to make. It's not as time-consuming as it looks, and I like the different styles of quilled paper you can make. These make excellent cards, or even as gifts. I really hope you try this one out!

Until next week,


Sunday, February 4, 2018

DIY Tornado Jars

Hello! Today we're making DIY tornadoes in a jar! You will need:

  • any jar of your choice
  • dish or hand soap
  • food coloring

First, fill your jar up with water, leaving an inch of space from the top.

Then, add a teaspoon of soap.

Add in 1-2 drops of food coloring.

Stir, and put the lid on the jar.

Gently give the jar a swirl, and your tornado effect will appear! This is how mine turned out:

This DIY was so simple to make, and it took less than 5 minutes! I love the effect! I hope you try this!

Until next week,
