Sunday, April 1, 2018

DIY Almond Milk

Hello! Today we're making DIY almond milk. You will need:

  • 1 cup of raw almonds
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • sweetener of your choice (I used maple syrup)

First, put your almonds in a medium-sized bowl or pot.

Then pour water over the almonds, making sure they are totally submerged.

Cover with a towel and leave on the counter or refrigerator overnight.

Once they are done soaking, strain the almonds and rinse with cold water. 

Then, put your almonds in a blender or food processor with the two cups of water.

Blend well.

Now, take the liquid and pour it into a large pot through a kitchen towel or cheesecloth-lined strainer. You can also use a spoon to help push the almond milk through the strainer.

Your almond mixture should look like this when everything is strained: 

The residue that stayed on the top of the strainer is almond flour, which can be used for other recipes, such as my DIY French Macarons recipe: When you remove the strainer, your almond milk is at the bottom:

 At this point, add the vanilla, and you can sweeten the almond milk with whatever you want. I went for maple syrup. After that, you're done! This is how mine turned out:

This DIY recipe was so easy to do. It's pretty time consuming as it's a 2-day project, but it is so worth it. It is a great alternative to store-bought almond milk, and it's much healthier! I hope you try this one out!

Until next week,


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