Sunday, March 3, 2019

DIY Dryer Balls

Hello! Today we're making dryer balls. These are a great replacement for dryer sheets. You will need:

  • yarn
  • white vinegar
  • essential oils
  • nylon tights
  • scissors

First, cut a 6-foot long piece of yarn.

Then, keep folding the string in half until you get a two-inch long piece. Then use the ends of the string to tie a knot in the middle.

Then, use one of the ends of the string to tie the bunch of yarn onto the big ball of yarn. 

After that, keep wrapping the yarn around itself until you have a 4-inch wide ball of yarn.

 Then, cut off the leg of the nylons, making sure the toe part is intact.

Put the ball into the nylons. Secure it tightly with a knot. Do this with all of your balls of yarn, making a chain with however many dryer balls you would like.

Put the balls into the washer and dryer with any load of laundry. While the laundry is being done, mix the oil and vinegar together. 

Once the laundry load is finished, take the balls out of the nylons and dip into the liquid. Don't oversoak these, or else you'll have a very potent laundry load!

Let them dry, and you're done. This is how my dryer balls turned out:

This DIY was pretty straightforward, but it was a bit time-consuming. I definitely recommend doing this project on a relaxed weekend and have a few hours to spare. They're a great waste-free alternative to conventional dryer sheets, and I love how you can put your own scent onto your clothes! I hope you try this one out.

Until next week,


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