Sunday, December 18, 2016

DIY Decorated Phone Chargers

Hello! Today we're making DIY decorated phone chargers. You will need:
  • Mod Podge
  • Glitter
  • Phone charger
  • Paint brush or foam brush
  • Tape
  • Scrap paper to protect workspace

First, tape around all of the metal parts of the charger to protect them from the glitter and glue.

Then with a paint brush, brush the Mod Podge on the different parts of the charger.

Then before it is dry, sprinkle the glitter on the charger.

Add another coat of Mod Podge to the charger to seal in the glitter.

Remove the tape, let it dry, and you're done! This is how my charger turned out:

This DIY was super easy to make. It took very little time, and it was fun! Instead of glitter, you could try decorating a charger with washi tape or nail polish. I hope you try this out sometime!

Until next week,

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