Saturday, December 8, 2018

DIY Scrunchies

Hello! Today we're making scrunchies! You will need:

  • a 12" x 4"-wide piece of fabric of your choice
  • 8" long piece of elastic
  • scissors
  • needle and thread
  • optional: sewing machine

First, begin by sewing the ends of the fabric together.

It should look like a long tube of fabric.

Turn the tube inside out.

Then, stretch the piece of elastic out and thread it through the tube of fabric.

Sew the pieces of elastic together.

After that, sew the ends of the fabric with a needle and thread.

And you're done! This is how mine turned out:

This DIY was a little on the harder side and was more time-consuming, but it's definitely worth it! I like how you can use your choice of fabric to make these, and even recycle old clothing for this. They make great gifts. I hope you try this out sometime!

Until next week,


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