Friday, July 10, 2015

DIY Rolled Paper Pencil Holder

Hello, today we are going to make a pencil holder out or rolled paper. You will need:

  • Magazine or newspaper
  • Skewer
  • Glue stick
  • Tin can or container
  • Glue gun
  • Scissors

First, you want to make the rolled paper. I used a magazine, so I cut in in half. Essentially, you want to make 4-inch pieces.

Then, this is going to sound confusing, but hopefully the picture below makes sense. Take the skewer, and put it at the edge of the paper. then, roll the paper up, making sure the paper doesn't get too loose.

When it is rolled and you have make several rolls, they should look like this:

After you make a lot of rolls, you get the hang of it and it becomes easy. The next thing to do is to get your hot glue gun out. Once it is hot, get your container or tin can out and start gluing. 

Once you have glued the paper to the can, cut the excess paper off with scissors. This is a bad picture, but this is how it looks when I was done:

This DIY was really fun, and rolling the paper was really addictive! It took a lot of glue and made my hands really gross and sticky, but it was cool. This makes a really good pencil holder, or a container for anything else. If you have any questions, comment below. I hope you enjoyed this post!
Until next week,

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