Sunday, August 30, 2015

DIY White Boards

Hi and welcome back! Today we're making white boards. Let's go:
You will need:

  • Any photo frame
  • Scrapbook or any kind of paper
  • Scissors
  • Strong magnets
  • Glue gun

The first thing to do is take the stand off the frame.

Then cut the paper to fin inside the frame.

Lastly, add the magnets to the back of the frame with hot glue.

And that's it! This is how it looks:

I really liked how this DIY turned out. It was really simple, easy and fun to make. I hope you try this one out! 

Until next week, 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

DIY Mini Clipboards

Hi! Today we're going to make mini clipboards.
You will need:

  • Cardboard (I used a shoebox)
  • Glue (I ended up using hot glue)
  • Binder clip
  • Post-it notes
  • Optional: washi tape
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Pen

The first thing to do is cut your cardboard to the size of your post-it notes. With your pencil, trace the post-it note onto the cardboard. Leave a centimeter on all sides, and cut it out.

Then, you can choose to leave your cardboard as it is, but I went ahead and covered it in washi tape. Other options are to cover it in fabric, paper, or to paint it. 

I didn't take a picture of this last step, but attach the binder clip to the cardboard. To do this, first clip the binder clip to the cardboard and trace one side with a pen. Then remove the binder clip, take your glue gun, and glue along the lines that you just traced. All that's left to do is add the post-it notes, and that's it! This is how mine turned out:

I really like how this DIY turned out. It's really simple to make, and can be very useful. I hope you try this out!
Until next week,

Saturday, August 15, 2015

DIY Silly Bandz Art

Hello! Today we're going to make art out of Silly Bandz. This is similar to string art, but much easier. I don't know about you, but when I was younger, Silly Bands were very popular. When they went out of style, I didn't know what to do with them, until I came across this really cool DIY. You will need:
  • A piece of wood
  • Silly Bandz
  • Nails
  • Hammer

The first thing to do is to nail down all of your nails into the wood. I went outside, so I didn't damage my table when hammering. 

As you can see, my nails don't look perfect, as they are crooked and the wood has some holes, so be careful and take your time during this process. The last step is to take out your Silly Bandz and go all out! Be creative. This is how mine looks:

And that's it! This DIY was easy and fun, but also a bit dangerous. When I was hammering the nails down, I accidentally hammered my own finger several times, so I suggest taking your time and being very careful. I really liked how it turned out, and I also liked how different you can make the design. I hope you try this out!
Until next week,

Saturday, August 8, 2015

DIY Cat Planter

Hi! Today we're going to make an easy cat planter out of a plastic bottle. Let's start.

You will need:

  • Plastic bottle 
  • Scissors
  • Black permanent marker
  • Pink permanent marker
  • White paint
  • Paint brush

The first thing to do is trace the shape of your planter. I did a cat shape. Then cut it out.

The next thing to do is paint the inside of the bottle with white paint and let it dry.

Draw on the face with permanent markers, and put a plant in it.

That's it! This DIY was so easy to make, and it's really cool how you can upcycle something so simple into something so cute. I hope you try this out!

Until next week,


Saturday, August 1, 2015

DIY Tumblr Notebooks

Hello! Today I am going to show you how to make your own notebooks. My school doesn't start for a month, but I like to make school supplies earlier. This is not just putting paper on already made notebooks; this is a full on DIY! Let's get into it:

You will need:
  • White cardstock
  • Photo paper
  • Spray glue
  • White glue
  • Binder clips
  • Lined paper
  • Duct tape
  • Paper bag
  • Scissors

The first thing to do is to make your collage for the cover. I googled 'tumblr pictures' on Google, and used PicMonkey to make a collage. Then print the collage on glossy photo paper.

Next, lay a paper bag on the floor to prevent a mess. Then take a piece of cardstock and use spray glue to adhere it onto the back of the collage. This is now your front cover. To make the back cover, just use another piece of cardstock.

To make the inside of the notebook, take some lined, graph, or plain paper. Place binder clips on 3 of the edges to make sure the paper doesn't move around.

Then, put some white glue on the edge that isn't binder-clipped. Wait until it dries, and add as many layers as needed, until the paper won't separate. 

Unfortunately, I totally forgot to take pictures of this, but I hope you can get the gist by my directions. Remove the binder clips, and align the front and back covers to the glued edge. After that, add more binder clips to assure the front cover, paper, and back cover don't move. Then add your duct tape on the side, to make it look like a spine. I used black gorilla tape for durability. This is how it looks like when done:

I really liked how this turned out. I think this is my most favorite DIY I have done so far. It took some time to make, but it was so worth it! It wasn't very hard, and I like that you can change the whole look of the notebook by changing the cover or the kind of tape. I really hope you try this out!
Until next week, 