Sunday, July 17, 2016

DIY Detergent Slime

Hello! Today we're making DIY slime out of clothing detergent. You will need:

  • 1 bottle of white glue
  • Detergent- I ended up using about 1/3 cup
  • Fork or spoon to mix
  • Optional: food coloring

First, pour out your bottle of glue into a bowl.

Then, add the detergent in, about a tablespoon at a time. 

Mix it with a spoon and keep adding detergent until the consistency looks like this:

Now it's time to start kneading it. Keep kneading until the slime forms a non-stick consistency like this:

After that, you can add the food coloring if desired. Since the detergent turned my slime blue, I added green food coloring to make a turquoise color.

And you're done! This is how my slime turned out:

This DIY isn't very practical, but it's one of the most fun DIYs I have ever made! This slime can dry out, so I recommend putting it in a plastic bag or an airtight container. You should try this out!

Until next week,

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