Wednesday, August 10, 2016

DIY Pixie Stix

Hello! Today we're making DIY Pixie Stix candy. You will need:
  • Candy of your choice (I used pop rocks and smarties)
  • Straws
  • Lighter
  • Scissors
  • Plastic bag
  • Small bowl

First, cut your straws into halves. Then, put your candy into a plastic bag and seal it.

Crush your candy into powder. I used a rolling pin.

 Then, melt the top of the straw with a lighter.

Quickly, use your bowl and flip it upside down to press the straw edges together. I recommend using a hard surface for this, such as a baking sheet.

 Once the bottoms of the straws are sealed, snip off the the end of the plastic bag.

Use the small hole in the bag to fill the straws 3/4 of the way full.

Seal the top edges of the straw just like the bottom.

Once they're all sealed up, you're done! These are how mine turned out:

This DIY was super easy and fun to make. These make great gifts as well! I like how you can personalize the candy to your preference. Try this one out!

Until next week,

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