Sunday, March 29, 2015

DIY Lip Balm

Hi! Sorry I'm posting this is a little later than usual, but here it is! Today I will show you how to make lip balm out of only 2 ingredients. Let's start:

You will need:

  • 1 tsp. Coconut Oil
  • 1 Crayon of any color (this will be the color of your final result)
  • Heat-safe Bowl (i.e. pyrex bowl)
  • Toothpick to stir ingredients
  • Container to put finished product in
  • Optional: 1/4 tsp vanilla extract (or any other essential oil)
The first thing I did was remove the paper from my crayon. Then I put my crayon, coconut oil, and vanilla extract into a heat-safe bowl:

the next thing I did was fill a pan of water half way up and put it on the stove. I then put the bowl with the stuff inside the pan, essentially making a double-boiler method. Then I (impatiently) waited for the things to melt.

Lastly, when it was finally done melting. I poured the hot liquid into my container, and voilĂ ! All you have to do is wait for it to dry for about 1-2 hours. I just left mine to dry overnight. This is the finished product:

Trust me, it looks better in person. Since I was doing this at night,  the lighting was pretty bad, but you get the idea. The DIY was pretty fun, super easy, and simple. The lip balm itself has a smooth consistency, and is sheer. If you want it matte, you can use less oil and more crayon. I hope you try this out sometime! Also, please send me ideas for DIYs on this blog at: Thanks!
Until next week,

Saturday, March 21, 2015

DIY Canvas Art

Hi! Today I will show you how to make abstract canvas art!

You will need:

  • Bleeding art tissue paper (It has to be the bleeding kind, or else it will not transfer onto the canvas)
  • Canvas
  • Punch (like a hole punch, but in shapes- I used a hexagonal one)
  • Paint or foam brush
  • Water

The first thing I did was get all of my tissue paper, and cut it using the hexagonal punch. You might want to feed multiple sheets of the tissue paper at once, because the tissue paper is too thin. I put in  3-4 sheets at once. To add support, I put a piece of normal printer paper along with the tissue.

Once the tissue paper was all cut out, the next thing I did was put my water into a cup. I then got out my foam brush and brushed my canvas with water, making sure to get it all covered, but not drenched.

After that, I arranged my hexagons into a puzzle, since they all fit together. Mine now looked like this:

After that, I waited for it to dry. It took about 45 minutes, so I waited for it to dry. This is the final result:

As you can see, it is really abstract, and has pastel colors. It is lighter than I expected, but I really like the final result. It was really fun, easy, and I really enjoyed making it!

Until next week,

Sunday, March 15, 2015

DIY Layered Candle

Hi Again! So lately I have been really obsessed with candles. I had all of this extra wax laying around that was left over from the burnt candles, so I decided to put them to use in this DIY.

You will need:

  • Old wax from candles
  • Container to put new candle in
  • Heat-safe bowl or container
  • Wick
Okay, so after I got all of my materials, the next thing I did was melt my first layer of wax. To melt the wax, I just got a dixie cup and put the wax in it. It was really hot, so I recommend using a microwave-safe bowl or cup. I then put the wax in the microwave to melt it, in 30-second bursts. You might need to grab a toothpick and stir it if only part of the wax is melted. It should look like this:

The next thing I did was wait for the wax to dry. It took about 45 minutes, but it depends on how much wax is in the container. After my wax dried, I added another layer of wax. It looked like this:

After that, I waited for it to dry, and added a few more layers. This is the final result:

This DIY was pretty easy to make, and it was fun. It was messy and time consuming, but in the end it was worth it. I hope you try it. Until next week, 

Friday, March 6, 2015

DIY Simple Pencil Holder

Hi again! This is my second post! Today I will show you how to make a pencil/pen holder from a Pringles can. It was really easy to make, and only took about 5 minutes. Let's get started!

You will need:

  • A Pringles can
  • Scrapbook or Construction Paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue Stick
  • Pencil
The first thing I did was get my Pringles can. Then I measured the width of the can onto the paper, and drew an outline with the pencil.

Then I cut it out. It should look like this:

The next thing I did was get my glue stick and glue the paper to the Pringles can. There was extra paper at the bottom, so I cut it off.

The final thing I did was put my pencils and pens in there. This is the final result:

This DIY was so easy to make. It's simple and useful. I hope you try it!
Until next week, 