Sunday, March 15, 2015

DIY Layered Candle

Hi Again! So lately I have been really obsessed with candles. I had all of this extra wax laying around that was left over from the burnt candles, so I decided to put them to use in this DIY.

You will need:

  • Old wax from candles
  • Container to put new candle in
  • Heat-safe bowl or container
  • Wick
Okay, so after I got all of my materials, the next thing I did was melt my first layer of wax. To melt the wax, I just got a dixie cup and put the wax in it. It was really hot, so I recommend using a microwave-safe bowl or cup. I then put the wax in the microwave to melt it, in 30-second bursts. You might need to grab a toothpick and stir it if only part of the wax is melted. It should look like this:

The next thing I did was wait for the wax to dry. It took about 45 minutes, but it depends on how much wax is in the container. After my wax dried, I added another layer of wax. It looked like this:

After that, I waited for it to dry, and added a few more layers. This is the final result:

This DIY was pretty easy to make, and it was fun. It was messy and time consuming, but in the end it was worth it. I hope you try it. Until next week, 

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