Sunday, March 29, 2015

DIY Lip Balm

Hi! Sorry I'm posting this is a little later than usual, but here it is! Today I will show you how to make lip balm out of only 2 ingredients. Let's start:

You will need:

  • 1 tsp. Coconut Oil
  • 1 Crayon of any color (this will be the color of your final result)
  • Heat-safe Bowl (i.e. pyrex bowl)
  • Toothpick to stir ingredients
  • Container to put finished product in
  • Optional: 1/4 tsp vanilla extract (or any other essential oil)
The first thing I did was remove the paper from my crayon. Then I put my crayon, coconut oil, and vanilla extract into a heat-safe bowl:

the next thing I did was fill a pan of water half way up and put it on the stove. I then put the bowl with the stuff inside the pan, essentially making a double-boiler method. Then I (impatiently) waited for the things to melt.

Lastly, when it was finally done melting. I poured the hot liquid into my container, and voilĂ ! All you have to do is wait for it to dry for about 1-2 hours. I just left mine to dry overnight. This is the finished product:

Trust me, it looks better in person. Since I was doing this at night,  the lighting was pretty bad, but you get the idea. The DIY was pretty fun, super easy, and simple. The lip balm itself has a smooth consistency, and is sheer. If you want it matte, you can use less oil and more crayon. I hope you try this out sometime! Also, please send me ideas for DIYs on this blog at: Thanks!
Until next week,

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