Friday, April 10, 2015

DIY Paper Mache Bowls

Hi! Today I will show you how to make paper mache bowls! Let's get started!

You will need:

  • Newspaper or Magazines
  • Balloons
  • Mod Podge
  • Foam Brushes
  • Optional: Paint

Okay, so the first thing I did was cut up my magazines into small strips. Then I blew up my balloon. When it was the size I wanted, I painted on a layer of mod podge. I then started to layer on the strips of newspaper, one layer at a time. When the first layer was painted on, I put the wet balloon into a cup that would keep it in place.

About 2 hours later, the first layer was dry. Yours might take a bit longer, depending on how much newspaper or mod podge on the balloon. Then I repeated this process until it was the thickness I wanted. I used about 6 layers. When that was dry, it was time to see how it turned out! Instead of popping it, I bit a hole at the top where it is the most thick, so the balloon could unstick slowly. I like mine as it is, but if you want it a different color, you can paint it. I didn't paint it because I liked the collage-ey look.

Here is the final result:

I really like how this DIY turned out. I thought it would fail, but it didn't! It was less time consuming than I thought, only taking 2 days to dry completely. It was really fun, and pretty self explanatory. I hope you try this DIY out!
Until next week,

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