Saturday, April 25, 2015

DIY Bath Jellies

Hi! Today I will show you how to make your own bath jellies. These are basically colored, jellified, soap. It is fun and easy to use. This is also a way to reuse old candle jars, or any cute ones you have around the house. Let's get started:

You will need:

  • 1/4 cup of Gelatin or Agar
  • 1 cup Clear Soap: can be body wash or hand soap
  • Food Coloring
  • 4 cups of Water plus 1 cup of cold water
  • Medium-sized bowls
  • Spoon
  • Container to put product in

The first thing I did was prepare my gelatin. I didn't really want to use gelatin, but I couldn't find Agar powder anywhere. The package said for every 1/4 cup of gelatin, I had to use 1 cup of  cold water. I mixed those two together, and after 2 minutes, it completely solidified.

The next thing I did was put the 4 cups of water and my 1 cup of soap. I put it in a pot to boil, and while I was waiting, I set my bowls out.

Then I put out 6 different bowls for my different colors, and I had a different bowl for each color.

Then I put them in the fridge to settle, which took about 30 minutes. After it was done, I got my containers and spoon and started scooping. I wanted a layered look, so I started off with pink or orange, then yellow, then green, then blue, then purple. I did that to all of my my containers until I ran out of the gelatin mix. After that, I was done! Here is the end result:

This DIY was very simple and easy to make. It is somewhat time consuming, but it is worth it! It works exactly like soap. Thanks for reading, and enjoy!
Until next week, 

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