Sunday, May 3, 2015

DIY Chia Pudding

Hi! Today I will show you how to make your own chia pudding. It is like tapioca pudding, but healthier. It is so cool how the chia seeds gel up when in contact with any liquid! Let's get started:

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 1/4 cup almond milk (I used dark chocolate almond milk)
  • Spoon to mix
  • Container to mix in
  • Container to put finished pudding in
  • Strawberry for garnish
The first thing to do is get the ingredients.

The next thing to do is to mix the two ingredients in the container. Feel free to add more chia seeds or put in less almond milk. Before the chia seeds react to the almond milk, put the chia mix into the other container, put it in the refrigerator wait for it to get gelatinous. It usually takes a 1/2 hour, give or take. When it is gelatinous, it is ready! Here is the end result:

I know that this isn't really a DIY, but it was still fun. It was not that time consuming, and it was really easy. I hope you try this sometime! 
Until next time,

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