Sunday, May 10, 2015

DIY Bath Bombs

Hi! Happy Mother's Day! Today I decided to show you how to make bath bombs. Let's begin:

You will need:

  • 1/4 cup of Epsom or Sea Salt
  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • Food Coloring
  • Lemon Juice
  • A container to mix with (I used a bowl)
  • Measuring Cup
  • Different bowls for different colors (I wanted to use 5 different colors, so I got 6 bowls)
  • Spray Bottle
  • Water
  • Molds to put bath bombs in
  • Spoon

Okay, so the first thing I did was get my 6 bowls out. I made 5 different colors, but the 6th bowl was for mixing. I used the largest bowl and put in the epsom/sea salt and mixed it together. 

Then, I separated the mix into 5 smaller bowls. After that, I put 3 drops of food coloring into each bowl.

After that, I got out my spray bottle. I put a small amount of water in first, then I filled it halfway full to the top. Then I shook it to make sure it was well combined. Then I sprayed the mix into the bowls. I sprayed then mixed, sprayed then mixed, until everything was combined, and I had the color I wanted.

Then, I packed the powder into my molds. It's really important to pack them down really tightly, or else they won't hold their shape. I didn't pack most of them tightly enough, so you will see that only a few ended up looking good.

After that, I put them in the freezer for 2 hours. For me, this is the hardest part, because I am really impatient. After they were complete. I took them out of their molds, and this is how they turned out:

As you can see, most of them didn't hold their shape. This is why you have to pack the powder TIGHTLY. Well, being a DIYer is all about try and failure, so when in doubt, improvise! I turned the bad ones into bath salts, and put them in containers. I put the good ones on top of the bath salts so they would be somewhat decent. Here is the final result:

I know they look really ugly in the photo, but trust me, they look really good in real life! This DIY was pretty fun, somewhat easy, and kind of time consuming. It was also really messy, but in the end it was worth it! I gave this to my mom for Mother's Day and she loved them! I hope you try this out. Remember, it's the thought that counts!
Until next week, 
P.S. Email me DIYs that you would like to see on this blog at: and I will make sure to get to it!

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